Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Know if My Child Needs Occupational Therapy?

Getting started with Occupational Therapy can be confusing and stressful. We’re here to make it easier.

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions your child may benefit from Occupational Therapy sessions or a Parent Coaching Session. Get in touch with us and we will help guide you through the process!

Get in Touch

  • Is your infant having trouble Breastfeeding?

  • Is Breastfeeding painful?

  • Does your infant have slow weight gain?

  • Are the feeds really long and frequent?

  • Does your infant have a tongue tie?

  • Does your infant have plagiocephaly or a head turning preference?

  • Is your infant hard to settle?

  • Are you concerned about your infant meeting age appropriate developmental milestones?

  • Are you unsure how to introduce table foods to your child?

  • Are mealtimes a battle?

  • Does your child have a limited amount of foods they eat?

  • Do they not eat foods from a specific food category (Fruit, vegetables, protein, carbohydrates ect.)

  • Does your child struggle with fine motor tasks like coloring, cutting, beading or crafts?

  • Does your child have trouble focusing during school?

  • Are daily tasks like baths, getting dressed, tolerating clothes, brushing hair, brushing teeth and any other daily tasks a challenge?

  • While navigating their environment does your child trip, bump into people and objects and have trouble navigating the playground?

  • In social situations does your child have trouble engaging in age appropriate play?

  • Is your child having tantrums constantly and everything seems like a battle?

What is Occupational Therapy?

In Pediatric Occupational Therapy the Occupational Therapist focuses on areas of the child’s daily life (occupations) that the child is having challenges in. Activities of daily life are referred to as “Occupations” in Occupational Therapy. Occupations of a child that may be addressed in therapy sessions are handwriting, climbing, using scissors, engaging with peers, participating in meals, breastfeeding,  and self care tasks such as getting dressed, eating, brushing teeth and bathing.

The therapist evaluates these “Occupations” by evaluating the child’s fine motor, visual perceptual skills, gross motor skills, sensory processing, oral motor skills, reflexes, self-regulation and motor planning to determine why the child is having difficulties in these skills.

The therapist then develops a child centered play based treatment plan to address these skills to help the child succeed and feel confident.

What is the Difference between a Virtual Wellness Coaching Session and Therapy Sessions?

A Virtual Wellness coaching session is an opportunity to have a discussion with the therapist regarding your child’s development. The coaching session is a one time or as needed discussion with the therapist regarding your concerns. The parent will receive activities for home and a plan will be discussed. The consultations are virtual.

Therapy sessions are reoccurring either once or twice a week based upon the needs of the child. Goals and a plan will be discussed with the parent. Therapy sessions are one to one with the therapist and child in person within the home or school.

Do you Accept Insurance?

Thrive Pediatric Wellness is an out of network provider. We provide an out of network superbill for potential reimbursement. Please check with insurance carrier on your coverage. Each month a superbill will be provided with CPT codes for the services provided for you to submit to your insurance. We accept payment at the time of service and can not guarantee reimbursement. HSA & FSA accounts may also be used to pay for services directly. Private therapy is an investment in your child’s development. We provide families with extra support to meet your needs and help your child.

Where are Services Held?

Therapy sessions are held in your home or the child’s school. Therapy sessions may also be held via telehealth throughout the state of California. We believe that sessions occurring within the child’s natural environment benefit the child’s development. Within the child’s natural environment I can provide activities with what you have at your house to optimize development and reach goals.

Coaching Sessions are held via zoom.

How Do I Get Started?

Schedule a FREE 15-20 minute exploratory call to determine plan of service.

Next step an evaluation will be scheduled.

Once an evaluation is completed, goals and treatment plan will be written and therapy begins.

If a coaching session is determined to be the best plan of service. The coaching session will be scheduled after the exploratory call.